Energy Management
The tourism sector consumes significant levels of energy based on both transport-related activities, such as travel to, from and at the destination, and destination-related aspects, such as accommodation, food and tourist activities. While the expansion of tourism resulted in an increase in fossil energy consumption and important green house gas emissions, investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy in tourism are found to generate significant returns within a short period of time.
Existing indicators focus on consumption, the use of alternative sources and the introduction of energy efficiency and saving programs. In addition, measuring the overall carbon footprint of tourism has become increasingly important within in the climate change discussions. However, measuring energy consumption in the tourism sector remains difficult and complex due to a variety of reasons, such as difficulties in capturing tourism´s indirect energy use from the construction of hotels, airports, cars and roads, as well as energy use in associated sectors, such as tour operators and their offices or travel to work by those employed in tourism.
Energy Management, Excerpt from Indicators of sustainable development of tourism destinations, A Guidebook, World Tourism Organization (2004), pp. 152–155. |
Energy Management (Climate Change and Tourism), Excerpt from Indicators of sustainable development of tourism destinations, A Guidebook, World Tourism Organization (2004), pp. 155–164. |
Energy Management (Tourism-related Transport), Excerpt from Indicators of sustainable development of tourism destinations, A Guidebook, World Tourism Organization (2004), pp. 210–219. |
Energy Management (Air Transport), Excerpt from Indicators of sustainable development of tourism destinations, A Guidebook, World Tourism Organization (2004), pp. 219–222. |
Resource Efficiency, Making tourism more sustainable, A guide for policy makers, World Tourism Organization (2005), pp. 44–46. |
SCP Related Impact Areas, Baseline Report on the Integration of Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns into Tourism Policies, World Tourism Organization, United Nations Environment (2019), p. 19. |
Energy as a Service - Innovation Landscape Brief, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) (2020). |
Renewable Energy Opportunities for Island Tourism, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) (2014). |
Energy, Tourism and COVID-19, An Analysis of Energy Consumption Trends in EU Islands during the Pandemic, Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission, (2022). |
Smart Mobility - The Future of Transportation, Discussion at the Second UNWTO World Conference on Smart Destinations (06/2018). |
Grenada Capacity Building Programme for Energy Management and Energy Audits, SIDS Lighthouses Initiative, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) (12/2021). |
Data and Statistics, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). |
Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism (MST), UNWTO |
System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA), United Nations |