Strategic Planning and Promotion

Strategic Planning and Promotion

UN Tourism’s IDC Department is collaborating with Member States on Strategic Planning and Promotion through the development of Tourism Master Plans and Marketing Strategies.

Based on the current status of tourism development and main issues to address, Tourism Master Plans prepared in collaboration with IDC present a vision and strategic recommendations for planning and development in the fields of product development and management, marketing and positioning, physical planning, and human resources development and quality. The Master Plans usually cover a timeframe of five-to-ten years and include an implementation plan with specific priority actions for the first three years.

A marketing strategy project reviews current marketing initiatives, including the value of an existing tourism brand, analyzes development trends and growth potential of main market segments, identifies opportunities for product diversification and packaging that meets the interest and demand from key markets, and proposes a mix of promotional actions, including e-marketing, to target priority market segments. Detailed marketing strategies can be developed to attract specific source markets, including the domestic market or expatriates.

IDC also extends technical assistance for the preparation of tourism strategies that zoom in on a specific topic, such as strengthening sustainability aspects of tourism development or enhancing the local economic impact of the tourism sector, or that provide guidance for the development of priority tourism products, such as wellness tourism, eco-tourism or rural tourism.