Fifteenth meeting - Committee on Statistics and the Tourism Satellite Account
12 - 13 January, 2015
- Minutes
- Information note
- Final agenda
- Final list of participants
- Items for discussion
- UNWTO general presentation
- Agenda - item 4: "Report from the last UN Statistical Commission" - UN Post-2015 development agenda
- Agenda - item 5: "UNWTO data access"
- Agenda - item 6: "Monitoring of IRTS 2008 implementation"
- Agenda - item 8: "UNWTO technical committees: competitiveness and sustainability"
- Agenda - item 10: "Sub-national measurement of tourism and INRouTe"
- Items for information
- Agenda - item 12: "Country presentations"
- Agenda - item 13: "UNWTO statisticsl publications" - Countries and territories: UN terminology
Photos of the fifteenth meeting (click on the image to expand)