Resolutions on the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism
Resolutions adopted by the UNWTO General Assembly
(Twenty-second session, Chengdu, China, September 2017)
- Report of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics (A/RES/705(XXII))
- Consideration, approval or adoption of the UNWTO Framework Convention on Tourism Ethics (A/RES/707(XXII))
- Resolution adopted by the UNWTO General Assembly A/RES/667-9(XXI)
(Twenty-first session, Medellín, Colombia, September 2015)
Report of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics
Resolution adopted by the UNWTO General Assembly A/RES/606(XIX)
(Nineteenth session, Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, October 2011)
Report on the World Committee on Tourism Ethics: (b) Accessible Tourism for All
Resolution adopted by the UNWTO General Assembly A/RES/506(XVI)
(Sixteenth session, Dakar, Senegal, 2005)
Activities of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics
Resolution adopted by the UNWTO General Assembly A/RES/469(XV)
(Fifteenth session, Beijing, China, October 2003)
Establishment of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics
Resolution adopted by the UNWTO General Assembly A/RES/438(XIV) Corr.2
(Fourteenth session, Seoul, Republic of Korea / Osaka, Japan, September 2001)
Global Code of Ethics for Tourism: approval of the protocol of implementation
Resolution adopted by the UNWTO General Assembly A/RES/406(XIII)
(Thirteenth session, Santiago, Chile, September - October 1999)
Approval of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism
Resolutions adopted by the United Nations General Assembly A/RES/70/200
(Seventieth session, December 2015)
Global Code of Ethics in Tourism
Available in: English | French | Spanish | Arabic | Russian | Chinese
Resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly A/RES/65/148
(Sixty fifth session, December 2010)
Global Code of Ethics for Tourism
Available in: English | French | Spanish | Arabic | Russian | Chinese
Resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly A/RES/60/190
(Sixtieth session, December 2005)
Global Code of Ethics for Tourism
Available in: English | French | Spanish | Arabic | Russian | Chinese
Resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly A/RES/56/212
(Fifty-sixth session, December 2001)
Global Code of Ethics for Tourism
Available in: English | French | Spanish | Arabic | Russian | Chinese
Other Resolutions related to Tourism Ethics
Resolution adopted by the UNWTO General Assembly A/RES/578(XVIII)
(Eighteenth session, Astana, Kazakhstan, October 2009)
Declaration on the Facilitation of Tourist Travel
Available in: English | French | Spanish
Resolution adopted by the UNWTO General Assembly A/RES/492(XVI)
(Sixteenth session, Dakar, Senegal, November – December 2005)
Accessible Tourism for All