Western Silk Road Capacity Building Workshops
As part of the overall project, the World Tourism Organization organized two Western Silk Road Capacity Building Workshops.
Held in 2017, the capacity building workshops attracted interested stakeholders - Silk Road destinations (national, regional and local), tour operators, SMEs, academic institutions, etc. - and focused on joint training and the development of new tourism partnerships.
The 1st International Western Silk Road Workshop was held in Alexandroupoli, Greece on 26-27 April 2017. The workshop was jointly organized by UNWTO, the Ministry of Tourism of Greece and the region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace of Greece.

The 2nd Western Silk Road Workshop took place in Sofia, Bulgaria on 27-28 June 2017. The workshop was jointly organised by the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria. The workshop shared specialised expert input on how to progress from theory to practice in the development of the Western Silk Road as a transnational tourism route.