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Investment, Ensuring Peace: Harnessing Growth, Shaping the Future

ITB Berlin 2025

In 2025, the global tourism sector stands at a critical juncture, shaped by the dual forces of a remarkable recovery and persistent global challenges. With international tourist arrival numbers virtually returning to pre-pandemic levels and export revenues from tourism reaching unprecedented heights the sector has once again demonstrated its resilience and capacity to drive economic growth.

Our latest news

February 13, 2025

Los Miembros de Oriente Medio respaldan la aspiración de ONU Turismo de asumir el liderazgo regional en materia de turismo educativo y deportivo

Los Estados Miembros de ONU Turismo de la región de Oriente Medio se han vuelto a reunir para acordar las directrices que guíen el crecimiento imparable del sector en la región. La 51.ª reunión de la Comisión Regional acogió a las delegaciones de representantes de alto nivel de 13 Estados Miembros, entre los cuales ocho ministros de Turismo, con el propósito de llevar a cabo la evaluación de los logros, el análisis de las tendencias del sector y la identificación de las prioridades fundamentales concretas.
February 06, 2025

ONU Turismo abre la convocatoria para la edición 2025 de los Best Tourism Villages

ONU Turismo ha abierto la inscripción de candidaturas para la edición 2025 de su prestigiosa iniciativa Best Tourism Villages (mejores pueblos turísticos). Esta iniciativa ilustra el inquebrantable compromiso de la Organización con el impulso al turismo rural como motor del desarrollo sostenible y la inclusión, al tiempo que celebra el rico acervo de patrimonio cultural y natural, los valores comunitarios y las prácticas sostenibles que confieren a estos destinos su carácter único.

Convallis nisi bibendum mauris
UN Tourism Academy
Tourism growth demands well-trained human capital to ensure sustainability and competitiveness.
The UN Tourism Data Dashboard – provides statistics and insights on key indicators for inbound and outbound tourism at the global, regional and national levels.
Investments Strategy
The multi-dimensional nature of the tourism sector, combined with the dynamics of the source of investment capital presents a complex picture for understanding and measuring tourism investments.
Sustainable tourism development
Over 850 organizations have become signatories of the Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism to accelerate climate action

UN Tourism Events & Projects

The designations employed in this section of the website do not imply the expression of any opinions whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the World Tourism Organization (UN Tourism) concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

Global tourism set for full recovery by end of the year with spending growing faster than arrivals

Around 1.1 billion tourists travelled internationally in the first nine months of 2024, as the global tourism sector recovered 98% of pre-pandemic levels. According to the latest World Tourism Barometer by UN Tourism, a full recovery from the biggest crisis in the sector’s history is expected by the end of the year, despite economic, geopolitical and climate challenges.




"The rise of new technologies and the need for greater sustainability are constantly impacting the tourism sector, presenting both opportunities and challenges that call for innovative approaches"

Mr. Zurab Pololikashvili
UN Tourism Secretery-General

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