UN Tourism International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories

UN Tourism International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories

A Network of Tourism Observatories monitoring sustainable tourism development at Destination Level
Learn more about the objectives and benefits behind this initiative

The UN Tourism International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories (INSTO) is a network of tourism observatories monitoring the economic, environmental and social impact of tourism at the destination level. The initiative is based on UN Tourism’s long-standing commitment to the sustainable and resilient growth of the sector through measurement and monitoring, supporting the evidence-based management of tourism.


INSTO seeks to support and connect destinations that are committed to regular monitoring of economic, environmental and social impacts of tourism, to unlock the power of evidence-based decision making at the destination-level, fostering sustainable tourism practices locally and globally.


Fostering a dynamic network of partners that strives towards creating healthy places for both visitors and the host communities while leaving resilient destinations to future generations.

Tools and Resources
Tools and Resources

A repository of tools and resources on the 11 mandatory issue areas that INSTO Observatories are required to monitor

Tools and Resources
INSTO Framework
INSTO Framework

The updated framework for the operation and management of UN Tourism International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories (INSTO) was presented to UN Tourism Executive Council at its 104th session in Luxor, Egypt in November 2016.

INSTO Framework
 INSTO Observatories
INSTO Observatories

Meet the Observatories who have joined the UN Tourism INSTO Network

INSTO Observatories
INSTO Insights Webinars
INSTO Insights Webinars

Serie INSTO Insights Webinars  

INSTO Insights Webinars
Technical INSTO Webinars
Technical INSTO Webinars

Technical INSTO Webinars  

If you have a specific question, try searching here first
If you have a specific question, try searching here first

If you have a specific question, try searching here first


Might be useful

Resoluciones de la ONU sobre el turismo sostenible
La Secretaría de la Organización Mundial del Turismo prepara con regularidad informes para la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas sobre la aplicación de sus resoluciones e incluye recomendaciones sobre cómo promover el desarrollo de un turismo sostenible y resiliente.
Resoluciones de la ONU sobre el turismo sostenible
Facilitación de viajes
ONU Turismo viene realizando un seguimiento de la evolución de las políticas de visado desde 1963. Desde 2008, la recopilación de datos tiene lugar con regularidad, y estos se validan ulteriormente a través de encuestas y de la comunicación con los Estados miembros.
Facilitación de viajes
ONU Turismo en los Eventos de la COP

ONU Turismo participa activamente en los eventos de la COP para destacar el papel fundamental del turismo sostenible en la lucha contra el cambio climático. A través de debates, alianzas y soluciones innovadoras, promovemos un futuro más verde y resiliente para el sector turístico global.
