

El Sistema de Estadísticas de Turismo se enmarca en el Sistema Nacional de Estadísticas, y proporciona información fiable, coherente y apropiada sobre los aspectos socioeconómicos relacionados con el turismo, integrada dentro de las estadísticas económicas y sociales relativas a otros ámbitos y a diferentes niveles territoriales.
UN Standards for Measuring Tourism

With the support of the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), UNWTO has launched the initiative Towards a Statistical Framework for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism (MST). The aim is to develop an international statistical framework for measuring tourism’s role in sustainable development, including economic, environmental and social dimensions.

UN Standards for Measuring Tourism
UNWTO Statistics - UN System

The United Nations Statistical Commission, established in 1947, is the apex entity of the global statistical system. It brings together the Chief Statisticians from member states from around the world.

UNWTO Statistics - UN System
International Conferences on Tourism Statistics & Other Events

Over the years, UNWTO’s Statistics Department has coordinated important developments relating to the conceptualization of tourism and its measurement, progressively building consensus amongst the international statistical community.

International Conferences on Tourism Statistics & Other Events