

Our vision for African tourism is also one of strong governance, more education and more and better jobs
Africa News

In 2024, we have witnessed the incredible strides that Africa’s tourism sector has made. 

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What we do

Our mission is to support and assist UN Tourism African members and other stakeholders from the region in their efforts to develop their tourism industry as a catalyst for sustainable economic and social development, and ensuring that the members fully benefit from the services of the organization.

What wWe Do

Africa Latest News (SP)

July 29, 2024

Victoria Falls acoge el primer Foro Regional sobre Turismo Gastronómico de África

ONU Turismo ha celebrado con éxito el primer Foro Regional sobre Turismo Gastronómico de África, que representa un avance crucial tanto para el continente como para el país anfitrión. Este foro ha puesto de relieve el empeño de Zimbabwe por aprovechar la gastronomía como un impulsor del crecimiento del turismo sostenible, tanto en África como en todo el país.

Departamento Regional de África
Brand Africa
The African continent is endowed with an immense diversified cultural, natural and gastronomic heritage. However Africa is still much unknown in the mind of travelers and much progress still need to be made to promote positive storytelling aiming at attracting tourists around the world.
Africa Investment Guidelines
The publications promote redesigning an investment framework where education, innovation, and sustainability are the fundamental pillars.
A Tour of African Gastronomy
Explore the legacy of centuries of amazing culinary traditions hand in hand with some of the most prominent figures of African Gastronomy. Over thirty Chefs will take you on a trip around the wonderful flavours and delicacies whose preparation alone is akin to a performance.
1st UN Tourism Africa & Americas Summit
Tourism leaders from both Africa and the Americas have jointly committed to working together to make the sector a pillar of collective sustainable and inclusive development across both continents.

Africa Newsletter

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