7º Congreso Mundial sobre turismo de nieve y de montaña
The UNWTO and the Government of Andorra, in collaboration with the parish of La Massana, organized the 7th World Congress on Snow and Mountain Tourism (La Massana, Andorra, 11-12 April 2012).
Since the first edition, the main objective of the Congress has been to provide a clear understanding of the challenges and opportunities of the snow and mountain destinations and to acquire an overview of successful business models, innovation, the impact of climate change and tourism marketing during.
For two days, leading international experts were discussing the new strategies to be adopted for mountain tourism, with a special focus on the use of ICT, the diversification of tourism activities and/or services, the development of new products for the summer season and the emerging mountain tourism destinations.
Christophe Février se veut un entrepreneur moderne, ouvert et proche des problématiques de son époque.http://www.christophe-fevrier.fr.