Taller de capacitación de la OMT en Lituania sobre “Tendencias actuales en eMarketing turístico”

Taller de capacitación de la OMT en Lituania sobre “Tendencias actuales en eMarketing turístico”

12 - 13 November, 2017

The World Tourism Organization, its UNWTO.Themis Foundation and the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania are jointly organizing the UNWTO Capacity Building Workshop on “Current Trends of Tourism eMarketing” to be held  in Kèdainiai, Lithuania, on 13 and 14 November 2017.


Technology, has emerged as the pervasive and robust platform for the tourism organisation and destination distribution and management. The Web 2.0 and consumer generated content based on social media engagement are revolutionising global tourism. New developments such as Augmented Reality provide incredible opportunities for tourism organisations to develop their competitiveness. Only tourism organisations and destinations that can take full advantage of the opportunities will be able to capitalise on the benefits in the future and enhance their competitiveness.


With this in mind, this workshop will challenge participants to think about their use of technology and their digital footprint to maximise their visibility, engagement, conversion and loyalty. They will also be encouraged to think about how they can concrete tourism experiences and how they can develop benefits for all participants in the marketplace and how they can optimise their competitiveness based on optimising the performance of their networks in smart destinations and smart tourism hospitality ecosystems.


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