Fiesta del Pingüino

27 - 28 September, 2014
Dirección de Turismo Municipalidad de Trelew,Trelew,ar

Provincial Penguin Festival > Popular Festival in the city of Trelew (province of Chubut, Patagonia Argentina): Queen Election, Primary School students visit Punta Tombo, and Regularity rally from Trelew to Punta Tombo, place which is home to the largest colony of Magellanic penguins in the world. This Festival coincides with the celebration of the World Tourism Day, on September 27, promoted by the World Tourism Organization and with the beginning of the 2014-15 penguin season. Fiesta popular en Trelew que comienza con una gala de elección de la Reina, visitas de alumnos y carrera de regularidad Trelew-Punta Tombo, donde se halla la colonia continental de pingüinos de Magallanes más grande del mundo, coincide con la celebración del Día Mundial del Turismo y el inicio de temporada turística 2014/2015.