Programa de Liderazgo en Turismo de la OMT y los Emiratos Árabes Unidos en Emiratos Árabes Unidos sobre "Marketing Digital en Turismo"
August 28, 2017

Programa de Liderazgo en Turismo de la OMT y los Emiratos Árabes Unidos en Emiratos Árabes Unidos sobre "Marketing Digital en Turismo"


The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), its UNWTO.Themis Foundation and the Ministry of Economy-Tourism Affairs of the United Arab Emirates invite all high-level decision makers in the National, Regional and Local Tourism Administrations and Organizations from the MENA region to apply for the upcoming UNWTO/UAE Tourism Leadership Programme Course on Digital Marketing in Tourism which will be held in English,  in Dubai, from  19 to 21 November 2017.


The UNWTO/UAE Tourism Leadership Programme is a series of executive training courses in tourism that take place every year with a different theme or on a different topic.

The objective of this year’s executive training course is to provide participants with knowledge, skills, tools, best practices and a forum for discussion about current developments in digital marketing strategies and implementation in Tourism. More specifically, to provide participants with understanding of key concepts and useful frameworks vital for developing successful marketing strategies, practical experience in conceptualising and developing a marketing strategy using the concepts of “Personas” and the “Customer Journey” and applying the UNWTO approaches and methodologies and raising the awareness of the importance to research and match local needs and customer wishes, dreams and behaviours.

Upon successful completion of this event, participants will be able to understand and apply key concepts and useful frameworks for successful Digital Marketing in tourism, evaluate and optimise an existing marketing strategy and plan and oversee and/or apply important marketing tools and tactics.

In order to achieve above mentioned objectives, combined theoretical-practical methodology will be applied during this executive training course in a modular structure. Each of these modules comprises presentations, discussions, debates, group work with case studies and analysis of experiences applicable to the participants, and practical activities which aim at putting in a real situation the content and tools seen during the executive training course. These activities include practical exercises and group discussions.  

Officials and industry professionals of UNWTO Members states from MENA region will be selected according to their merits, qualifications, experience, and nomination by the highest authority of its National Tourism Administration.


The tuition fee of the course is $ 1,465 USD. This fee will cover costs of the on-site components of the course and the provision of course materials, lunch and refreshments. Cost of travel to and from UAE, additional meals and accommodation are not included.



A 10 per cent of discount for participants who completed the previous 2016 course, will be offered.


Candidates wishing to participate in this upcoming UNWTO/UAE Tourism Leadership Programme on Digital Marketing in United Arab Emirates ought to:


●    be qualified tourism officials and industry professionals from UNWTO Member states in the MENA region;

●    write a Letter of Motivation stating why he/she wants to participate in the course;

●    have a University degree or higher educational level;

●    have high level of English;

●    be able to share the knowledge they have gained on the topic of the executive training course  to their Organization/Administration.


In order to apply for the upcoming UNWTO/UAE Tourism Leadership Programme on Digital Marketing in Tourism, candidates from the MENA region should:


●    fulfill all above mentioned requirements;

●   complete application eForm;

●    send their letter of motivation to UNWTO through eForm indicating which objectives, professional achievements and career goals they would like to achieve with this course, and how this executive training course  might help them to grow professionally;

●    send copy of his/her passport (if not UAE national);

●    obtain an international insurance policy which fully covers their stay abroad (if an international participant);


before 22 October 2017.