Assembly Daily 04 | General Assembly Special Edition

Assembly Daily 04 | General Assembly Special Edition

UN Tourism News

- Assembly Daily |General Assembly Special Edition -

Logo UNWTO General Assembly

24th General Assembly concludes on a high note

The 24th Session of the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization will conclude today with tourism ministers pledging to coordinate with their respective governments to restart tourism. The all-important tourism meeting discussed the way forward to get tourism moving in a safe manner.

Uzbekistan to host the 25th General Assembly
The next session of the UNWTO’s general Assembly will be held in the Uzbekistan city of Samarkand. Thanking delegates for their vote, the country’s Minister of Tourism and Deputy Prime Minister Aziz Abdukhakimov said he looked forward to welcoming them all to the historic city, making clear that the infrastructure is already in place for a successful meeting.
Bali to Host Next World Tourism Day
Bali in Indonesia will host World Tourism Day 2022, to be held around the timely theme of ‘Rethinking Tourism’, as approved by the General Assembly. Looking further ahead, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was also confirmed as the host country for World Tourism Day 2023, to be held around the year of ‘Tourism for Green Investments’.
UNWTO Announces List of ‘Best Tourism Villages’ 2021
UNWTO Announces List of ‘Best Tourism Villages’ 2021
The best examples of villages embracing tourism to provide opportunity and drive sustainable development have been celebrated at the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) General Assembly in Madrid.
UNWTO Points Tourism towards a Greener, Inclusive Future at General Assembly

Innovation, youth empowerment and tourism and rural development took centre stage as Spanish Prime Minister Sánchez Pérez-Castejón joined UNWTO for the third day of its General Assembly in Madrid.

UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili said: “If we are serious about ‘leaving nobody behind’, then we must get serious about innovation, about education and about advancing tourism as a tool for rural development. That means empowering youth, supporting tourism talent, and also giving the best solutions the political and financial support they need to scale up and transform our sector.”

UNWTO and the GSMA join forces to improve digital skills of underserved communities in tourism
The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the GSMA, the global association unifying the mobile ecosystem, have announced a partnership to promote the upskilling of people in underserved communities, engaged in tourism. With their combined expertise in responsible tourism and mobile connectivity, the UNWTO and GSMA will help marginalised groups, particularly women and indigenous peoples, provide new tourism services to improve their livelihoods.
Centre Stage Project
The Centre Stage Project to place women empowerment and gender equality at the heart of recovery plans
The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in partnership with the German Federal Ministry for Economic Development (BMZ), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and UN Women have launched the ‘’Centre Stage Project’’ aimed at placing women’s empowerment and gender equality at the heart of recovery plans following the COVID-19 pandemic. The project will be piloted in four participating Member States in collaboration with the National Tourism Administrations of Jordan (MOTA), Costa Rica (ICT), the Dominican Republic (MITUR) and Mexico (SECTUR).
Photo Gallery
General Assembly - Twenty-fourth session
UNWTO media highlights:
El País

Sostenible, equitativo y enriquecedor para todos: así será el turismo del futuro

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