4º Foro Mundial de Turismo Gastronómico de la OMT

4º Foro Mundial de Turismo Gastronómico de la OMT

29 - 31 May, 2018

The Government of Thailand and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), in collaboration with the Basque Culinary Center, organized the 4th UNWTO World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism, that took place from 30 May to 1 June 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand.

This 4th edition of the World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism specifically focused on harnessing the power of technology as a driver for sustainable growth. It presented an excellent opportunity for leading experts in gastronomy tourism to discuss currents trends and challenges in the sector, exchange best practices and inspire discussion on intercultural dialogue, gastro diplomacy, and the importance of technology for sustainable gastronomy tourism. Like previous editions of the UNWTO World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism, this forum explored gastronomy as the essence of culture and an element of intangible heritage and the interrelation between gastronomy and tourism that can enhance sustainable local development.

Useful links

Pictures of the 4th UNWTO World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism

Press release: UNWTO World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism - Seizing the Power of Technology

Conclusions of the previous edition

Pictures of the previous edition

Presentations on Youtube

2nd UNWTO Global Report on Gastronomy Tourism (Available in English only)

2016-2017 UNWTO Gastronomy Network Action Plan

1st UNWTO World Forum on Food Tourism

2nd UNWTO World Forum on GastronomyTourism

3rd UNWTO World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism