Conferencia de la OMT sobre City Breaks: generando la creación de experiencias turísticas innovadoras

Conferencia de la OMT sobre City Breaks: generando la creación de experiencias turísticas innovadoras

14 - 15 October, 2018

The UNWTO Conference on City Breaks: Creating Innovative Experiences, which took place in Valladolid on 15-16 October 2018, was an international event organized by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). 

City tourism has become one the fastest growing segments worldwide, attracting all types of visitors. Taking place in the city of Valladolid, the conference addressed different areas of specialization that can contribute to the successful positioning of urban destinations as City Breaks. As a benchmark destination, Valladolid is committed to a clear strategy in active, enological and, cultural tourism.

The conference served as a platform to exchange experiences and perspectives on the potential as well as challenges of city breaks as leisure experiences for travelers that are both diverse and immediate. It explored the diverse and innovative segments cities can bring together, with special emphasis on technology, governance and public-private collaboration models that allow for their proper implementation.

Press Release

FInal Programme

To view all the photos of the Conference, please click on the image below

UNWTO Conference on City Breaks, Creating Innovative Tourism Experiences

The summary video is available below

  Keynote speech

Presentation of the UNWTO Report ‘Overtourism’? Understanding and managing urban tourism growth beyond perceptions

Session II: New Tourism Segments

Presentation of successful case studies