The UNWTO Affiliate Members Corner

El rincón de los Miembros Afiliados de la OMT, 2021

21 May, 2021

Siguiendo el calendario de actividades establecido a través del programa de trabajo para 2021 del Departamento de Miembros Afiliados, y tras el éxito de la anterior edición, el Departamento de Miembros Afiliados pone a su disposición el “Rincón de los Miembros Afiliados de la OMT: recuperación del turismo”, en FITUR 2021, la feria internacional de turismo de Madrid (España), como espacio exclusivo dedicado a los Miembros Afiliados de la OMT.

El objetivo de este espacio en FITUR es:

  • Intercambiar ideas, conocimientos y experiencias.
  • Ofrecer mayor visibilidad a las actividades e iniciativas de los Miembros Afiliados en esta importante feria internacional.
  • Proporcionar oportunidades de crear redes de contactos para posibles alianzas y colaboraciones en los proyectos presentados.


Rincón de los Miembros Afiliados de la OMT: recuperación del turismo

El “Rincón de los Miembros Afiliados de la OMT: recuperación del turismo” tendrá lugar el 21 de mayo de 2021 de 10.30 a 13.30 horas (hora de Madrid) en la sala “Sostenibilidad”, FITURTECHY, IFEMA.

Durante esta sesión de 3 horas, un grupo seleccionado de Miembros Afiliados presentará su trabajo y sus iniciativas sobre el tema prioritario de “la recuperación del turismo”.

La sesión estará abierta a los Miembros Afiliados de la OMT y a todos los participantes y visitantes de FITUR (con una capacidad máxima de 60 visitantes).


21 de mayo de 2021 - 10:30-13:30h (Horario de Madrid)
10:30 – 10:45


  • Ion Vilcu, Director, Departamento de Miembros Afiliados de la OMT
10:45 – 11:45

Adopción digital e innovación en turismo

  • “Comunidad de viajeros Moscow Travel Hub”, Anastasia Popova, Directora del Departamento MICE, Comité de Turismo de la Ciudad de Moscú (Rusia)
  • “El papel transformador de las DMO para la recuperación, regeneración y resiliencia del turismo”, Patrick Torrent, Presidente, NECStouR (Bégica)
  • “Un ecosistema diseñado por y para los viajeros”, Fernando Barcenilla, Responsable de B2C y Digital, Allianz Partners (España)
  • “Gamificación de la experiencia turística”, Damià Serrano, Director de Marketing de Experiencias e Investigación, Agencia Catalana de Turismo (España)
  • “Sistema de datos turísticos 2+”, Alicia Orellana, Directora, Observatorio de Turismo (Eurecat) (España)
11:45 – 12:45

Estrategias de marketing para la recuperación del turismo

  • “Caribe Mexicano, una recuperación exitosa. Lecciones Aprendidas.”, Darío Flota Ocampo, Director General, Consejo de Promoción Turística de Quintana Roo (CPTQ) (México)
  • “Nuevas iniciativas para la recuperación del turismo en Barcelona”, Alexandra Marcó, Directora de Marketing, Turismo de Barcelona (España)
  • “Reavivando la demanda de destinos: Un estudio de caso con Turismo de Menorca”, Myriam Younes, Directora, Desarrollo de Negocio, Expedia Group (Estados Unidos)
  • “Plan de recuperación del turismo en una ciudad Patrimonio de la Humanidad, Santiago de Compostela”, Flavia Ramil Millarengo, Gerente, Turismo de Santiago de Compostela (España)
  • “Día Mundial del Ocio”, Cristina Ortega Nuere, Directora Académica y de Operaciones, World Leisure Organization (Estados Unidos)
  • “Estrategia de viaje al centro de México”, Juan José Álvarez Brunel, Presidente, Observatorio de Turismo de Guanajuato y Secretario de Turismo de Guanajuato (México)
12:45 – 13:45

Estrategias de reactivación – Hacia un turismo más seguro, inclusivo y sostenible

  • “La apuesta del turismo colombiano a partir de la nueva ley de turismo y la reactivación de Colombia en la post-pandemia”, Jaime Alberto Cabal Sanclemente, Presidente, FENALCO (Colombia)
  • “Mallorca Turismo Seguro”, Andreu Serra Martínez, Presidente, Fundación Mallorca Turismo (España)
  • “Programa de Certificación de Turismo Seguro”, Elif Balcı Fisunoğlu, Directora General Adjunta, Agencia de Promoción y Desarrollo del Turismo de Turquía (TGA) (Turquía)
  • “Tarjeta de Identificación Sanitaria”, Fernando Lecuona, Business Development Director de hi+Card, Tourism Data Driven Solutions (España)
  • “I Conferencia Internacional de Astroturismo”, Antonia M. Varela, Director, Starlight Foundation (España)

UNWTO Affiliate Members Corner: Tourism Recovery - Initiatives

Note: The initiatives presented on this page are not endorsed by the UNWTO and are presented here for awareness purposes

Moscow City Tourism Committee | Travel community “Moscow Travel Hub”

Moscow City Tourism CommitteeThis platform brings together players in Moscow tourism industry in an effort to forge new partnerships, re-package and customize products and services and implement digital solutions.

The Hub’s ecosystem includes:

  1. Accelerator, which is a support institute for startups;
  2. Hackathon, a team competition of programmers to solve a partner’s technical case;
  3. Meetings / conferences.

For more information: Moscow Travel Hub | Anastasia Popova

NECSTouR | The transformative role of DMOs for tourism recovery, regeneration and resilience

NECSTouRSince the start of the crisis NECSTouR has become essential for the European regions to jointly build the recovery of their tourism destinations while ensuring the Digital and Green transition of their tourism ecosystem. This has been endeavoured through continuous knowledge exchange (measures, plans, financing) and smooth EU – territorial dialogue.

For more information: NECSTouR Agenda 2050 web section | Sandra de Puig

Allianz Partners | An ecosystem designed by and for travellers

Allianz PartnersWe launch Allyz, accessible to All travellers. It´s a platform that provide services to help travellers make smarter and safer choices at all steps of their travel experience from the moment they start to plan a trip, to the moment they arrive back home. Features include a destination explorer, travel wallet, travel protection solutions, travel alerts, instant flight delay compensation, 24/7 assistance.

For more information: Allyz | Beatriz Toribio

Catalan Tourism Board | Gamification of the touristic experience  

Catalan Tourism BoardThe gamification program consists of a Webapp with a set of games for the kids in relation with storytelling on Legends Hunter’s Club. Its aim is to make certified family destinations public in a funny way.

This is how we introduce digitalization innovation when promoting family tourism.

For more information: Juego de cazadores de leyendas | Club de cazadores de leyendas | Cristina Llagostera

EURECAT, Technology Centre of Catalonia | Tourism Data System 2+

EurecatThis project consists of the creation of an innovative platform that advances the current Tourism Data System (aimed at providing information on accommodation providers) on the Costa Daurada and Terres de l’Ebre (Tarragona, Spain). The project has the dual purpose of strengthening the sustainable specialisation and competitiveness of the regions of Tarragona from the perspective of tourism, as well as its mains products and destinations in the field of family tourism.

For more information: PECT TurisTIC in family | Alicia Orellana

Quintana Roo Tourism Promotion Council (CPTQ)  | Mexican Caribbean, A Successful Recovery. Lessons learnt.

Quitana RooDiscover a unique region in the world, diverse in terms of destinations and tourist attractions: Blue sea, white sand beaches, rainforest, archeological sites, cenotes, underground rivers, islands, lagoons, Mayan culture and history. With an infrastructure that competes worldwide for the variety in its offer of accommodation, typical and international cuisine, connectivity, multiculturalism, and natural resources. The Mexican Caribbean is the paradise of Mexico where there is always something new to discover.

For more information: Caribe Mexicano | Andres Aguilar

Turisme de Barcelona | New initiatives for tourism recovery in Barcelona

Barcelona TurismeThe initiatives are two different projects:

a) Barcelona Workation. A new campaign with the slogan “Move your desk. Change your Life” and the hashtag #workfromBarcelona, focused on slow tourism, digital nomads and professionals working from home which will support tourism seasonality.
b) CkeckBarcelona. A new OWA (Progressive Web App) to provide relevant information to tourists with the objective to increase the level of satisfaction.

For more information: CheckBarcelona | Ignacio de Delàs

Expedia Group | Reigniting Demand for Destinations: A case study with Menorca Tourism

Expedia GroupDuring summer 2020, Expedia Group Media Solutions ran a highly flexible and creative initiative with Menorca Tourism that began during a period of lockdown, making use of a wide range of digital tools designed to help build demand and bookings once travel restrictions were lifted.

For more information: Myriam Younes

Turismo de Santiago de Compostela-Spain | Tourism Recovery Plan in a World Heritage City, Santiago de Compostela

Santiago de CompostelaTourist Promotion Campaign on the Internet and social networks, implemented in different phases during 2020 and 2021, adapting to the corresponding tourist-mobility restrictions related to COVID-19. Our slogan "Ultreia" means both "keep going" and "we'll get it" for Pilgrims on the Way to Santiago.

For more information: Flavia Ramil Millarengo

World Leisure Organization | World Leisure Day

World Leisure OrganizationInternational days are occasions to educate the general public on issues of concern, to mobilize political will and resources to address global problems, and to celebrate and reinforce achievements of humanity. In that sense, World Leisure Day has helped us to position leisure and tourism as a political priority for the post-pandemic recovery by promoting both of them as a real matter of interest for citizens and governments. By sharing our objectives and strategies with UNWTO's, we do believe that together we will manage to mobilize the political will and resources necessary for sustainable human development and for tourism recovery. This initiative was originally designed as a pilot project. Given its success and repercussion, we are very pleased to announce that it will be running again next year, and we hope to do so for many years from now.

For more information: World Leisure Day | Cristina Ortega Nuere

Guanajuato Tourism Observatory | Travel to Center of Mexico Strategy

GuanajuatoDue to the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic, with the aim to promote the recovery of tourism enteprises, a new alliance is born between the following mexican states: Aguascalientes, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Querétaro, San Luis Potosí y Zacatecas.


  1. Strategic work to join forces in order to promote local and regional tourism reactivation in a coordinated way.
  2. Enhance and promote competitive advantages of the region through road trips.
  3. Measurement of regional tourism post pandemic.

For more information: Viajar en corto | Miriam Cecilia Adame

Federación Nacional de Comerciantes Empresarios  (FENALCO) - Colombia | The commitment of Colombian tourism based on the new tourism law and the reactivation of Colombia in the post-pandemic

FenalcoBased on the new tourism law and the economic reactivation policies, FENALCO identified 3 strategic lines to support the reactivation of the sector: Design of new tourism products, reactivation of domestic tourism and the use of digital platforms.

For more information: Digital Platform | Thelma Gomez

Fundación Mallorca Turismo | Mallorca Safe Tourism

Fundación Mallorca TurismoThe immediate mobilisation of the Mallorcan tourism sector in the face of the present crisis has been very remarkable. The island promotes and coordinate different actions to be a safe destination. Actors involved in the tourist industry are developing tangible technological solutions and protocols for safe stays that are already in place in tourist establishments, on beaches, in cultural and sporting events, in tourist places or at the airport itself, including the island's health infrastructure.

For more information: Info Mallorca | María del Camino González

Türkiye Tourism Promotion and Development Agency (TGA) | Safe Tourism Programme of Turkiye

Türkiye Tourism Promotion and Development AgencyThe Programme defines and advises an extensive series of measures to be taken with regards to transportation and accommodation of all Turkish and international visitors who will spend their holidays in Türkiye as well as the well-being and health conditions of guests and of employees working at touristic facilities.

For more information: Safe Tourism | Elif Balcı Fisunoğlu

Tourism Data Driven Solutions | Hi+Card, Health Identification Card

TDDSThrough the system, you can consult or add any medical information, from anywhere in the world, when necessary (vaccines, allergies, current or past diseases, treatments, etc.), provided that it is a Health Authority National or authorized health entities / professionals. Hi+Card generates savings and efficiencies in the system by not having to duplicate tests.

For more information: Hi+Card | Fernando Lecuona

Starlight Foundation | I International Conference on Astrotourism By Starlight

Starlight FoundationThe I International Conference on Astrotourism by Starlight, 8-11 September 2021 (Évora, Portugal) will feature the participation of experts who will address the challenges and opportunities of astrotourism internationally. It is organized by the Starlight Foundation, Dark Sky Association,  with the Évora University collaboration and the participation  of the UNWTO.

For more information: Fundación Starlight | Antonia M. Varela

Guineatur | SAFE Equatorial Guinea

GuineaturEquatorial Guinea was one of the best countries in Africa challenging the Covid-19 pandemic: its prompt response helped to keep the infection numbers low thanks to the closing of its borders since the start of the Pandemic in Europe (March 2020) and the strict application of the anti-Covid-19 hygiene and health measures. With a rapid mass vaccination of the population, the admission in the country of people with vaccine carnet, EG is creating a Covid-free Tourism site.

For more information: Rosini Federico

Rainmaker Travel | How Restoring Economic Sustainability of Hospitality & Tourism Businesses and Destinations is the Key for Tourism Recovery

RainmarkerFor more information: Thomas Mueller