"Up and Down the Bridges of Venice" Trial (Su e Zo Trial)

"Up and Down the Bridges of Venice" Trial (Su e Zo Trial)

27 September, 2020

“Up and Down the Bridges” is a walk for solidarity in Venice involving all participants – young people, adults, families, school parties and sport groups – in a stroll through the Venice calli (alleys), all together in the name of friendship and solidarity. Every year the money raised from the event, after expenses, is donated to charity.
Next edition is planned on 18th April 2021.

To kick off the preparations and officially launch the next edition, the "Su e Zo Trial" will be held in Venice on September 27th 2020, on the occasion of the World Tourism Day, in order to test the route which will be then confirmed and validated for the spring event.

More info: www.suezo.it

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