The tourism we want

The tourism we want

26 September, 2022
Zadar, Croatia

The University of Zadar celebrates the World Tourism Day on the 26th September 2022 with various activities. To raise awareness about the importance of involving the local community in tourist activities, different stakeholders will be included in the celebration. The pupils of the Economic-administration and Trade School Zadar will clean the Uskok beach in Zadar. After that, a series of research results focused on tourism in the area of the City of Zadar and Ravni Kotar (Zadar County) will be presented. The first presentation will show the results from a survey that was also conducted by the pupils of the Economic-administration and Trade School Zadar. The aim of this survey was to identify the perceptions and also the satisfaction of the local community regarding the tourism development in the City of Zadar. Another presentation will be related to the attitudes of different stakeholders from the destination Ravni kotari in Zadar County. A very important part of this event will be the presentation of a strategic framework, action plan and guidelines for the development of a sustainable tourism development, as well as a round table on the topic "The tourism we want", in which valuable insights into the topic will be given by a number of experts, who are part of the tourism value chain in Zadar County. The University of Zadar is an affiliated member of UNWTO. It is also project partner in the TAKE IT SLOW project, which is co-financed within the cross-border cooperation program INTERREG V-A Italy-Croatia 2014-2020. The project is designed to manage and promote the Adriatic as a sustainable, green and smart European tourist region through the establishment of a value chain in tourism, in accordance with the principles of smart specialization. It is based on the study of lifestyle as a combination of tangible, intangible, cultural and natural heritage in collaboration with scientists and the local community as a major source of knowledge.Website

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