Entre ellos se cuentan: el Comité de Programa y Presupuesto, el Comité de Estadísticas, el Comité de Turismo y Competitividad, el Comité de Turismo y Sostenibilidad, el Comité Mundial de Ética del Turismo, el Comité de Cuestiones Relativas al Colectivo de los Miembros Afiliados y el Grupo de Trabajo para Rediseñar el Turismo del Futuro.
Los comités especializados son órganos subsidiarios del Consejo Ejecutivo de ONU Turismo, con la excepción del Comité Mundial de Ética del Turismo, que es un comité independiente y un órgano subsidiario de la Asamblea General, y su papel consiste en aconsejar sobre la gestión y el contenido del programa.

Comité Mundial de Ética del Turismo (CMET)
Established in 2003, the World Committee on Tourism Ethics is the impartial body responsible for interpreting, applying and evaluating the provisions of the UN Tourism Global Code of Ethics for Tourism. For further information, please see UN Tourism General Assembly Resolution A/RES/607(XIX) of October 2011.
Since its establishment in 2013, CTC focused its work mainly on assessing the state of knowledge on the basic concept of “tourism competitiveness” and identifying its key factors.
The United Nations recognizes UN Tourism as the appropriate organization to collect, to analyze, to publish, to standardize and to improve the statistics of tourism, and to promote the integration of these statistics within the sphere of the United Nations system
The Committee is a subsidiary, technical body of the Executive Council. Its principal role is to monitor the implementation of the programme of work under "Sustainable Development of Tourism", assist the Secretariat in said implementation, and report and make recommendations to the Executive Council as well as other bodies of the Organization as required.
The WCTE is responsible for the promotion, and dissemination of the UN Tourism Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, as well as the evaluation and monitoring of the implementation of the principles enshrined therein.