Shopping Tourism

El Turismo de Compras

El turismo de compras constituye cada vez más un componente importante de la cadena de valor del turismo. Las compras se han convertido en un factor determinante para la elección del destino, un componente destacado de la experiencia global del viaje y, en algunos casos, el motivo principal. Los destinos tienen, por lo tanto, una gran oportunidad de aprovechar esta nueva tendencia del mercado para agregar valor a su oferta turística, reforzando a la vez, e incluso definiendo, la marca y el posicionamiento turístico.

Un dato aún más importante es que las compras representan una de las principales categorías del “gasto turístico” y constituyen una fuente significativa de ingresos para las economías nacionales, tanto directamente como a través de los numerosos vínculos con otros sectores de la economía.

Shopping Tourism Events


Affiliate Members Global Report
Affiliate Members Global Report, Volume 8 – Global Report on Shopping Tourism

UNWTO’s Global Report on Shopping Tourism offers a series of practical guidelines and principles for all destinations interested in developing shopping tourism. The report includes a wide range of case studies by UNWTO Affiliate Members and other tourism stakeholders from around the world.

Product Development Projects

Shopping Tourism Product Development Project in León, Guanajuato, Mexico

The pilot Shopping Tourism Product Development Project in León is carried out with support from the Ministry of Tourism of the State of Guanajuato. The initiative aims to maximize the benefits of tourist activity in the city of León and promote it as a shopping destination, both within Mexico and around the world. The project focuses on several key areas, namely: attracting visitors, the creation of tourism products, the efficient use of tourism attractions and the quality of infrastructure. Alongside these, attention is also given to community involvement in tourism as well as local socio-economic wellbeing and the promotion of employment. With this project and the support of the UNWTO, León aims to position itself as a destination for value-added shopping tourism through innovative experiences in shopping tourism. At the same time, it aims to promote the integration of companies and individuals from different areas in the value chain of tourism and commerce in León and its surroundings (artisans, agriculture, leather, footwear, design, automotive, among others), while stimulating the creation of employment and new opportunities based on the promotion of high value-added shopping tourism and local development.

Madrid Precious Time

The pilot project was conducted in the city of Madrid in 2014 in collaboration with the Madrid City Council and the support of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism of Spain. Major partners included: InnovaTaxfree, Joyerías Suárez, MasterTour Alliance, Microsoft, Meliá, Museo Thyssen, NH Hotels, Roberto Verino, Saborea España, Segittur and the University of Valencia.
