First UNWTO forum on investing in Africa’s tourism

UNWTO global tourism investment forum in Africa

20 - 22 February, 2020
Abiyán, Costa de Marfil

The Secretariat of the World Tourism Organization has the honor to inform its Member States from the UNWTO Commission for Africa that the UNWTO global tourism investment forum in Africa will be held in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire from 20 to 22 February 2020

Note: In compliance with the United Nations system’s environmental protection policy, the working documents will not be distributed on paper at the venue of the event. Therefore, delegates are kindly requested to bring with them copies of the documents.

Online registration closed, please note on-site registration will be available at the Sofitel Hotel Ivoire

In addition to the general registration for the forum, to attend the B2B meetings which will take place on February 21st, please register here:


Flights with Air Côte d’Ivoire: Last minute flight offers for those who have not yet booked their tickets.
Website for hotel registration: