Local Satisfaction
The wellbeing of host communities is highly relevant when measuring the impact of tourism on destination level. Communities can be impacted both positively from tourism through jobs, economic activity and improved social services and negatively due to overtourism, stress or damage on local resources and cultural values. Changes in level of satisfaction can be an early warning indicator of potential incidents and hostility, and a means to obtain information about emerging problems and irritants before they become serious.
Statistical Framework for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism, Chapter 5.4. Measuring the host community perspective, page 120ff. (SF-MST), UNWTO |
Local Satisfaction, Excerpt from Indicators of Sustainable Development of Tourism Destinations, A Guidebook, World Tourism Organization (2004), pp. 56–76. |
Tourism in the Community, Guide for Local Authorities on Developing Sustainable Tourism, World Tourism Organization (1998), pp. 27–37. |
Local Satisfaction, What Tourism Managers Need to Know, World Tourism Organization (1997), p. 17. |
Local Prosperity, Local Control, Community Wellbeing, Making Tourism more Sustainable, A Guide for Policy Makers. World Tourism Organization (2005), pp. 28–29 and pp. 34–38. |
A Resident's Perspective on Visitor's Growth in Eight European Cities, 'Overtourism'? - Understanding and Managing Urban Tourism Growth beyond Perceptions, World Tourism Organization; Centre of Expertise Leisure, Tourism & Hospitality; NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences; and NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences (eds., 2018), pp. 21–26. |
Create Cities for All: Buidling Cities for Citizens and Visitors, UNWTO Recommendations on Urban Tourism, World Tourism Organization (2019), p. 6. |
Defining Competitiveness in Tourism, Indicators for Measuring Competitiveness in Tourism: A Guidance Document, OECD Tourism Papers, No. 2013/02, p. 14. |
Indicator Sheets, European Union, Interreg Mediterranean Programme on HERIT-DATA: List of Sustainability Indicators , pp. 22–29 and pp. 35–37. |
Measurement of Local Satisfaction at the Destination Level, Presentation at the INSTO Insights Webinar, by Mr. Yaw Anokwa, Founder and CEO of ODK |
Insights into Algarve's Survey to Residents, its Methodology, Main Findings and Way Forward, Presentation at the INSTO Insights Webinar, by Algarve Sustainable Tourism Observatory |
Insights into Barcelona's Annual Survey on Citizens' Perception of Tourism Activity, Presentation at the INSTO Insights Webinar, by Barcelona Tourism Observatory (12/2022). |
Insights into the Tourism Intensity Index, Presentation at the INSTO Insights Webinar, by Sustainable Tourism Observatory of South Tyrol (12/2022). |
Video Recording of Technical INSTO Webinar on Local Satisfaction with Tourism during the COVID-19 Pandemic, World Tourism Organization (05/2021). |
Local Satisfaction with Tourism during the COVID-19 Pandemic: ASW Sustainable Tourism Observatory, Presentation at the Technical INSTO Webinar, by Australia's South West (05/2021). |
Local Satisfaction Measurement Experience of China Observatories, Presentation at the Technical INSTO Webinar, by, Monitoring Centre for UNWTO Sustainable Tourism Observatories, China (05/2021). |
Residents' Perceptions towards the Tourism Development in Navarre, Presentation at the Technical INSTO Webinar, by Tourism Observatory of Navarre (05/2021). |
Yukon Residents’ Perceptions of Tourism, Presentation at the INSTO Global Meeting, by Government of Yukon (10/2020). |
Effects of COVID-19 on Tourism- Surveys in South Tyrol, Presentation at the INSTO Global Meeting, by Sustainable Tourism Observatory of South Tyrol (10/2020). |
Dashboard on Visitor Satisfaction: A new approach on evidence-based sustainable tourism management in the city of Buenos Aires, Presentation at the INSTO Global Meeting, by Buenos Aires (2020). |
System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA), United Nations | |
EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions Methodology (EU-SILC), Eurostat | |
OECD Guidelines on Measuring Subjective Well-being, OECD | |
Limits of Acceptable Change (LAC), Responsible Tourism Partnership | |
Tourism Acceptance in the Resident Population (TAS), German Institute for Tourism Research | |
Cook Islands Resources and Outputs, New Zealand Tourism Research Institute | |
Niue Community Attitudes Towards Tourism (2020), New Zealand Tourism Research Institute |