Seventeenth meeting - Committee on Statistics and the Tourism Satellite Account
23 - 24 January, 2017
The Seventeenth meeting of the Committee on Statistics and the Tourism Satellite Account was held, on 24-25 January 2017, in UNWTO Headquarters.
- Towards a Statistical Framework for Measuring Sustainable Tourism (MST) (item for discussion):
- Proceedings of the Meeting of the Working Group of Experts on Measuring Sustainable Tourism (doc) (ppt) (agenda item 3.1)
- Statistical framework for measuring sustainable tourism – Draft outline (doc) (ppt) (agenda item 3.2)
- Linking the accounting frameworks of the SEEA and the TSA – Draft outline for a Technical Note (doc) (ppt) (agenda item 3.3)
- Options for allocating environmental flows to tourism through integration of data from tourism and environmental-economic accounts (doc) (ppt) (agenda item 3.4)
- Pilot studies' progress (agenda item 3.5):
- Global Implementation of the SEEA (ppt) (agenda item 3.6)
- Global Assessment on Status of Tourism Statistics in countries (ppt) (agenda item 3.6)
- Measuring tourism at subnational levels (item for disucssion):
- Tourism, territory and sustainability: a statistical insight at subnational levels (doc) (ppt) (agenda item 5.1)
- Note by the Chair of the Committee (doc) (agenda item 5.2)
- European Regions measuring sustainable tourism for effective policy making (NECSTouR) (ppt) (agenda item 5.3)
- Operational framework for measuring sustainable tourism in destinations: the case of Santorini (ppt) (agenda item 5.4)
- A we-based regional tourism satellite account information system - the case of Guangdong, China (ppt) (agenda item 5.5)
- SDGs indicators
- Draft response from the Committee to the IAEG on SDG indicators (doc) (agenda item 6)
- Draft response from the Committee to the IAEG on SDG indicators (doc) (agenda item 6)
- Programme of Work (item for discussion):
- Big Data: opportunities and challenges (item for information)
- Round table discussion on New Phenomena: "sharing economy" (item for information)
- Presentations
- Information tools for decision-making in Tourism for Peru (ppt) (agenda item 10.1)
Photos of the seventeenth meeting (click on the image to expand)