Eighteenth meeting - Committee on Statistics and the Tourism Satellite Account
26 - 27 February, 2018
The Eighteenth meeting of the Committee on Statistics and the Tourism Satellite Account was held on 27-28 February 2018, in UNWTO Headquarters, Madrid (Spain).
- The Increasing Relevance of Tourism Statistics in the Era of SDGs
- Manila Call for Action on Measuring Sustainable Tourism (doc) (ppt) (video) and UNWTO General Assembly Resolutions (doc) – Mr. Rolando Cañizal, Undersecretary, Department of Tourism, the Philippines (agenda item 3.1)
- How the Committee reinforces UNWTO’s statistical mandate and responsibility as a UN Agency – Mr. Peter Laimer, Vice Director of the Directorate Spatial Statistics, Statistics Austria and Ms. Clara van der Pol, Coordinator, Statistics, Trends and Policy Programme (doc) (ppt) (agenda item 3.2)
- UNWTO Report to the United Nations Statistical Commission (doc): TSA and MST as UNWTO’s response to monitor tourism in the SDGs (agenda item 3.2.1)
- Decisions (doc) taken note of by the Economic and Social Council (doc) (agenda item 3.2.2)
- Lunchtime Seminar Accounting and Statistics for Sustainable Tourism (link) (agenda item 3.2.3)
- Monitoring of the SDGs in the Philippines (ppt) – Ms. Vivian Ilarina, Philippine Statistics Authority (former co-Chair of the IAEG-SDG) (agenda item 3.2.4)
- Measuring Sustainable Tourism (MST): A statistical framework to support the assessment and policy of sustainable tourism
- Measuring Sustainable Tourism Initiative (ppt) – Ms. Sandra Carvao, Head of Communications, UNWTO (agenda item 4.1)
- Measuring Sustainable Tourism – Why the interest in Canada? (ppt) – Mr. Michel Dubreuil, Destination Canada (agenda item 4.2)
- MST Pilot Studies:
- Italy’s MST Pilot Study (ppt) – Ms. Angelica Tudini, ISTAT, Italy (agenda item 4.3.1)
- Cultural Tourism in Archaeological Zones (ppt) – Mr. Raúl Figueroa, Director of Satellite Accounts, INEGI, Mexico
- Experimental Measurement of Sustainable Tourism Indicators Using the Input-Output Tables: the Philippine Experience (ppt) – Ms. Vivian Ilarina, Assistant National Statistician, Philippine Statistics Authority (agenda item 4.3.3)
- Developing Environmental Measures for Tourism in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (ppt) – Mr. Abdulhakim Al-Babtain, Director General for Tourism Information and Research Centre, Saudi Commission for Tourism and Antiquities (agenda item 4.3.4)
- Updated draft of the Statistical Framework for Measuring Sustainable Tourism (SF-MST) (doc) (ppt) - Mr. Carl Obst, Consultant, UNWTO (agenda item 4.4)
- Some applications and a quick evaluation of the Statistical Framework (ppt) – Mr. Raúl Figueroa, Director of Satellite Accounts, INEGI, Mexico (agenda item 4.4.1)
- Measuring Sustainable Tourism: Let’s get started with a Toolkit (ppt) – Ms. Demi Kotsovos, Chief Satellite Accounts and Special Studies, Statistics Canada (agenda item 4.5)
- Process ahead (ppt) – Mr. John Kester, Director, and Ms. Clara van der Pol, Coordinator, Statistics, Trends and Policy Programme, UNWTO (agenda item 4.6)
- Tourism’s role in the economy: reflecting on a decade of TSA
- Compilation Guide for Tourism Satellite Accounts 2008 (outline doc) (ppt) – Mr. Karoly Kovacs, Chief Trade in Services, United Nations Statistics Division (agenda item 5.1)
- Capacity Building in Tourism Statistics and TSA (ppt) – Mr. John Kester, Director, Statistics, Trends and Policy Programme, UNWTO and Technical Assistance in Statistics and the Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) (ppt) – Ms. Vanessa Satur, Programme Manager, Technical Cooperation, UNWTO (agenda item 5.2)
- Proposals for estimating Tourism Direct GDP with limited data (doc) (ppt) – Mr. Carl Obst, Consultant, UNWTO (agenda item 5.4)
- Developing platforms for tourism statistics
- Mexican System of Statistical and Geographical Information on Tourism (ppt) – Mr. Ariel Juarez, Director General of Information and Analysis, Secretary of Tourism, Mexico (agenda item 6.1)
- Investing in the European Tourism of Tomorrow (ppt) – Ms. Ana Moniche, Junta de Andalucía and NECSTouR (agenda item 6.2)
- Cooperation between international organizations
- Data exchange between international organisations (ppt) – Mr. August Götzfried – Head of Unit, Business cycle, tourism and registers, Eurostat (agenda item 7.1)
- Looking at the Potential of Big data for Tourism Statistics
- Eurostat/UNWTO joint overview paper on big data (ppt) – Mr. August Götzfried, Head of Unit Business cycle, tourism and registers, Eurostat and Mr. John Kester, Director, Statistics, Trends and Policy, UNWTO (agenda item 8.1)
- Mobile Phone Data Use for Tourism Statistics in Indonesia and Estonia (ppt) – Mr. Siim Esko, International Director, Positium (agenda item 8.2)
Photos of the eighteenth meeting (click on the image to expand)